Monday, June 14, 2010


The moderator of the science program on CBC Radio called Quirks and Quarks brings the latest in science and is broadcast every Saturday immediately after the noon news. Its host, Bob McDonald was absent this week to receive two prodigious awards for his diligence for his research in the field of Science. Listen for a repeat of the Saturday noon radio broadcast every Monday evening at ll:30 pm. In his absence this week Alison Molluk hosted the program for him. It explained how 50 million Americans as well as uncounted millions of Canadians were prescribed a newly minted disease known as Depression. Double blind tests for Depression were conducted with mixed results.

“Any kind of suffering is a target for creating a drug for pharmaceuticals to offer doctors to prescribe for a possible chemical cure for an imbalance in the system,” says Dr. Greenberg who has written a book on the subject called: Manufacturing Depression, A Secret History of a Modern Disease.

Through time immemorial people have felt anxiety, proven by the fact that students study before writing examinations as I noted in my blog dated June l2, 2010, called “Worried sick.” According to this medical doctor, millions of people have become addicted to this prescription for Depression that has become habit forming for many with great difficulties overcoming it.

The details are so well set forth in the repeat of this program and other science programs hosted by Bob McDonald Monday evening at ll:30 pm.
Set your alarm to be sure you don’t miss it. Another well documented science presentation by this host is presented every Saturday noon from CBC radio.

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