This is a picture of my mother that was clipped from a group picture taken at the wedding of their second son in 1939. She is 40 years old here with a new degree after her name, MIL - mother-in law. She dearly loved her new daughter-in-law, as did my father, brothers and sisters. With her love of gardening and good management skills she brought us through THE GREAT DEPRESSION of the 30s with no debts. My sister, Helen, born in 1921 was two years older than me and we were her garden helpers. In the fall hundreds of jars of canned vegetables and meat bubbled away in her oval boiler heated with a wood stove and were lined up in the basement for winter's food supply. Eight children joined the family and Mother used to joke about the "threshing crew" she cooked for each day. At that time the combine had not yet been invented for harvesting the crops in the fall. Together with preserving food for winter and cooking for a large threshing crew it was a busy time. She lived to be 81. Thank you Mother for everything.
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