Sunday, April 18, 2010


After Easter Sunday breakfast of blueberries and ground flax, sharp pains sent me to the phone to call the B.C. Health Nurse. After explaining the radiating pain through the back area and everywhere else it seemed, the nurse told me to call an ambulance and go to the emergency. X-rays and CT scans, showed a stone had been left in the gall duct a decade ago and it was necessary to be taken to Kelowna where a specialist reached down the esophagus with a dipper-like instrument that had a light at the end to locate the wandering stone. The surgeon worked with great dexterity and care and I was home within three days.

My grandson came to the hospital for at visit and brought a book for me to read. During that hour he told me about his wonderful wife who stayed home to bathe their three small daughters and do the bedtime preparations. I knew they had a happy home but it was nice to hear his words of gratitude and happiness as a family. He even brought a get-well card the five and six year olds had designed for “Gi-Gi,” (the name they have given me as great-grandmother.) Their card said how sad they felt that I was in the hospital but glad Daddy could bring their get-well card for me to recover soon.

After three days in the hospital I had a new realization of how great it is to have a wonderful health system on standby with health professionals who work so well together. The month of April finds us all busy to meet our income tax deadline as we all unite to keep the health system itself strong and healthy. It encourages us to do our part by overcoming bad habits like smoking as we learn more about foods that build health and the all important walk to exercise the body. Being kind to one another also adds mutual health benefits as well. The book my grandson brought to me was written by Max Lucado who explains the need for spiritual help as well. His closing words were: “The same one who saves your soul longs to remake your heart for God is willing to guide us to change us into the likeness of His son.” That seems to be what the gift of life is all about, to grow in grace with kindness and love while here attending Earth School.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

good one S. glad it was a fairly simple procedure. Nice visit with J&J. All is well here L&E