Friday, January 29, 2010


There has been a great deal of thought provoking material put out in magazines as well as on the internet concerning sudden changes about to unfold for humanity on Earth in 2012. Since I was raised 10 miles south of Orion, Alberta, I’ll check it out and see what Adrian Gilbert and Robert Bauval have to say about the correlation of the belt stars of the constellation of Orion. According to Gilbert the position and building of the south airshaft of the Queen’s Chamber align with Orion. He goes on about the “correct angle of the top of the obelisk, the Pillar of Atum, found in Heliopolis, being one of the keys used by Khufu to build the Great Pyramid with angles that would align with certain important dates, such as the Summer Solstice.

Using his expertise with “Skyglobe,” the astronomy shareware, Gilbert pinpoints the precise position of the stars in Orion on the horizon and zenith. Weaving together biblical events, such as the Exodus, the birth of Jesus and the Magi and their connection with the star Regulus in Leo, he points out that the Second Coming could happen soon, as Orion attains that culmination point above the horizon which it reaches only once in 13,000 years. He identifies Jesus as the Son of man in Heaven – the constellation of Orion that will appear prominently just {“as the lightening “stars” according to Gilbert} cometh out of the east… And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in Heaven. Gilbert gives us a clearer picture of the “predicted” future – a future we will all be part of. He correlates the symbols in the book of Revelation to the four fixed Zodiac signs and even back to Genesis, which tells us that the s tars were put in heaven for “signs and for seasons.” This body of knowledge was passed on through the initiates, who understood the principle “as above so below.” It all sounds very interesting. The book “Signs in the Sky,” would likely clarify it better than I have. A.R.E. Homepage:

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