Wednesday, December 30, 2009


We always spend Christmas Day with just us five at home and were invited to Grandma Stewart’s house for Boxing Day with uncles and aunties and Gi-Gi was there too. There were lots of presents piled up under the tree and Milaya stumbled over one of them but forgot about the bump when Daddy held her in his arms to comfort her and pointed to all the little wind-up animals racing across the coffee table. Everyone received a gift and then my sisters and I had great fun when Uncle Roger took us for shoulder rides. We reached up as high as we could to see how many ceiling stars we could touch. Uncle Keith couldn’t be with us because he had a sore throat and thought he should stay home.

Uncle Roger and Auntie Cheryl often come to Vernon for holiday celebrations and sometimes for long weekends also. Grandma Stewart’s close friend, Leslie, formerly lived here and flew in from Ontario with some of her family to celebrate Christmas with us. We were served a big turkey dinner with cheesecake for dessert. Some of us only had space for a tiny piece. Grandparents Davis stayed in St. George for Christmas but will come here for the Easter season like they did last year.

Grandma recently completed renovations at her home here that included a pull-out solid drawer in the main bathroom so now we can step up on it to reach the taps and wash our hands more carefully. Today’s Morning Star featured an article by Dr. David Butler-Jones, MD, Chief Public Health Officer of Canada, urging care during the flu season to Shake, Share, and Wash. “Shake hands and share a hug with family and friends being mindful of how flu germs spread fast. Wash hands often and avoid touching your face,” he added.

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