Sunday, July 5, 2009


It is best to walk in the early morning hours and return home by ll:00 am. When needing a sunscreen it is good to check at a health store to determine the best variety to use and thus avoid the chemical kind. A doctor once reminded me to wear a wide brim hat especially if you have fair skin.

When I became dizzy returning from a walk I phoned the 811 health line since my doctor was away on holidays. The 811 nurse was very helpful and advised going to a walk-in clinic or the emergency hospital. The walk-in clinics close at 9:00 and had long waiting lines and advised going to the emergency. There was only one client in the waiting room there and I did not have to wait long. During the short wait I saw the Oprah magazine and turned to the health pages. The July 2009 issue had a very interesting article on the subject of feeling dizzy. If no issue can be found there is usually one at the library. A very helpful doctor at the emergency hospital ordered some tests to determine if there might be other causes for feeling dizzy. Looking at my chart, he noticed my age (85) and helped me feel relaxed saying, "Aren't you kinda cheating the reaper a bit here." I take no prescription drugs (or any other kind) and my walk took me home only a few minutes after ll:00 am. I do have very steep hill to climb. Pushing his bike up the hill, a young rider once called over to me saying "I think you have chosen the second highest hill in Vernon for your walk."

Each day there is improvement and I chide myself for the trouble I caused the health system and determine to walk only in the early morning hours.

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