Monday, April 27, 2009


The renewal at Easter each year is resurrected in the minds, hearts and dinner celebrations of families everywhere. We've welcomed the crocus and some of the early birds with the promise of bees and butterflies to come for their visits to all the flowers for a delayed spring this year.

Celebrations at our grandson's home saw his lovely wife and homemaker busy in the kitchen and together with Luke's parents from St. George, Grandma Stewart and GiGi we enjoyed a sumptuous repast. Their children, all under six years of age entertained us with a circular dance after dinner. It began in the kitchen, and gained speed in a crescendo of delight. Then some of us went downstairs to the play room. The three children worked individually arranging blocks to fit together in suitable patterns. The eighteen month old seemed to be the "tour guide," pointing and identifying each object with thought patterns. I think she still has hopes that we older ones will get more familiar with "BTP" language (Baby Talk Patterns). Three months before when they were visiting at my home she heard Daddy say "Time to go everyone," as he outlined some of my computer icons. Mommie and GiGi were standing in the living room finishing a chat and the two older girls were quickly placing all the teddy bears under a blanket for their naps. "Actions speak louder than words," little Miss M must have thought as she raced to the exit door and came back holding high her small pair of boots. We all got the message.

I had earlier watched the older ones playing the game Wii at Grandparents Silver Star place last year. This year they seem more interested in working with their hands, creating patterns with blocks. Mommie watched with interest but let them think out their own works of art as we continued to take note of the "tour guide" informing all with her tiny index finger. Let's hope that the funds many grandparents are placing in Registered Education Saving Plans (resp) for the their grandchildren's future university fees are being safely invested by our lending banks and security institutions. Lately we've been aware of some CEOs (chief executive officers) with extended palm, tiptoeing through a small exit door, clutching huge bonuses as their latest model cars spin away for the nearest freeway to a palm-clad sunny retirement spot while the workers (who had created their fancy wheels) pound at the large entrance door wondering where their jobs or retirement savings went.
Best of all good things for this year and the future years. GiGi

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