Wednesday, March 11, 2009


For both CEOs and congress people, meditation is seen as improving the health of the workplace, according to a study conducted by the Center for Contemplative Mind in Society. A spokesperson for the center, as reported in Science and Theology News, noted that more and more CEOs have had some kind of experience with meditation at a conference or retreat center and are bringing their experiences to bear at their worplace. Both companies, government agencies, and non profits offer meditation opportunities to their employees.

Interviews with those company officials responsible for the workplace meditation report health and interpersonal benefits. Others cite creativity or innovation. "Many people feel that we can solve our problems in a linear, rational fashion,," said Nancy Roof, president of Spirituality and Global Affairs for the United Nations, "but now the global problems are at such a level that we need more than the rational mind, we need the intuitive mind as well."

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