Sunday, February 22, 2009


Dr. Judith Orloff, M.D., is also a board-certified psychiatrist and assistant clinical professor of psychiatry at UCLA and an international workshop leader. Further information is available from her free newsletter at: Her news letter can be unsubscribed to at any time.

In addition to advice on physical needs she shows ways how to handle the wide range of energies that make up each day of living, both positive and negative. Positive energy includes compassion, courage, forgiveness and faith. Negative energy includes fear, anger, hopelessness, and shame. Physical healing is assisted when all body energies are synchronized through understanding these three aspects of living. Health can be restored by learning to avoid draining situations or people who are energy vampires.

Being chronically tired indicates that energy is lacking and can and will be increased as one understands Positive Energy when balancing mind, body and spirit to create a vibrant life through accepting and using these energies. A way of building health and vitality is available through daily practice as we face challenges and make decisions that restore health and healing to add additional years of life with vitality. If this reminds us of things we have heard at Sunday School and throughout many verses of Scriptures, this will help us put them into daily practice. Our physical bodies require nourishing food each day and our spirit needs food for the soul each day as decisions of mind puts them into practice . Feeding all three; food for the body, the spirit and mind might be just what is needed to solve the desperate situation facing our World today.


Cicero Sings said...

Scripture has been teaching us these things all along ... takes a long time for science to catch up ... LOL.

Anonymous said...

good thoughts even though I probably would'nt express it that way. I did like yesterdays blog, body language realy tells the story often. L&E