Monday, January 5, 2009


If you find time to experience gratitude, you'll be thankful that you did. Spending time in that pleasurable state of consciousness (William Blake called gratitude "Heaven itself") is proving to have health benefits. The John Templeton Foundation brought together scholars and researchers for a two-day conference in Texas to explore the topic of gratitude. What is it, exactly? How can it best be fostered? Can it be studied scientifically? The answer to that last question is clearly, Yes!

Robert A. Emmons, professor of psychology at the University of California, Davis, and author of the Psychology of Ultimate Concerns: "Motivation and Spirituality in Personality" Guilford Press), reported the results of his research studying people who found time in their lives to experience gratitude. Compared to a control group, these people experienced fewer physical symptoms, were more optimistic and had more energy.

The implication of this research is that in the late afternoon, when you feel yourself slacking, think of something that makes you feel grateful, and you'll find it to be the pause that brings you new spirit!

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