Sunday, July 13, 2008


Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Writer, (1806 - 1861)

"Earth's crammed with heaven,
And every common bush afire with God."

Thank you Elizabeth for those wonderful words
and all the writings you created for us during
your all too short life of fifty five years.
Here are some words I have penned to remind all of us to enjoy
and appreciate the beauty and need for all Earth's seasons.

In green and gold and scarlet tones, Earth's fashions of delight,
Unfold and decorate our world, With flashy colors bright.
Too soon, it seems, comes harvest sleep, To bring a season's rest,
To temperate zones the birds have flown, To be a season's guest.
Sharp frosty chills from alpine hills, Roll down the summer's sun
Without a word the leaves have stirred, And slid down one by one.
In nature's way, without delay, A downy quilt of snow,
Tucks all in tight for winter's night, Safe from the stormy blow.

Some animals have found a den, Though Polar Bears need cool,
Each one fills a season's need, For that is nature's rule.
'Till spring stirs from the friendly hills, And misty eyed with dew,
A host of dainty buttercups, Raise spring bouquets to view.
And whisper in the early breeze, That spring has come once more,
They nod and wave in promenade, O'er valleys, hills and shores.
And in a lovely wordless way, Recount the winter's night,
Its tempest laying waste the flowers, But seeds safe from its blight.

To grow and scatter joy once more, With spring's joy come along,
And paint upon the rolling hills, Bright tones of silent song.
That tells each soul who cares to know, Of subtle beauties rare,
That emanate when seeds of love, Are sown with tender care.
Unseen, unheard, a voiceless stage, Within the soul of man,
On which a happy heart may dance, With joy throughout life's span.
To harmonize life's instrument, With patterns in the soul,
That blends with all Earth's orchestra, In rhythm with the whole.

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