Friday, June 27, 2008


Do angels live here or in Heaven above
And from Heaven's portals sending us love?
"I dwell in the kind deeds that you've done.
The love you have shared, that helps everyone.
The comfort you give to each aching heart,
Your unselfish deeds, each one plays a part.
No Earthly body like yours do I wear,
But feelings and thoughts with you I share.
When comforting hearts of each needy friend,
Thoughts and your prayers with my censer I send.
To quicken each mind and comfort each heart,
I' m with you always, as prayers play a part.
Daily thoughts help perform what you both wish to be,
For you and companions sailing life's seas.
The healing you wish for each other soul,
Lights up your pathway, and both of you grow.
In silence, in secret, light passes to others.
Your journey is blest while helping another.
No physical body ensouls my life here,
My body of light helps keep me near.
So call on me often through rain or through shine,
It blesses us both, your spirit and mine.
As we keep on shining through each thought and deed,
Together we grow as we help others needs.
We are servants of God from His Kingdom above,
He bids that we wrap every deed with His love.
We're thankful and grateful for His wondrous plan,
Helping others we grow, each woman and man.
His son, an example showed us how to live,
Learning and growing, as our love we give.
Through each deed to all - for all races are brothers,
Collective hands of humanity, all helping each other.
Earth has enough for modest supply,
Through caring and sharing, for the soul never dies.
For more information, check Psalm ninety one,
Thanks for your question, and the kind deeds you've done."

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