Wednesday, March 18, 2015


Each year, about half the seniors who are in their 80's and 90's suffer a fall, according to Marvin M. Lipman, M.D. Ten percent of these are seriously injured and even though they have weathered cancer or a heart attack or are seriously injured in other ways, they do not survive. Sometimes death may occur immediately but a fall may cause a broken neck or a brain bleeding as a result of complication from the initial injury.
Aside from the proverbial slip on a banana peel, the causes of most falls are age related. They include painful arthritis, strokes, and nutritional deficiencies that can lead to nerve damage in the feet or other other areas of weakness. If medications have caused dizziness and decreased alertness make you suspect, you're at risk of falling during daily activities,so discuss your concerns with your doctor.

Of all the various causes of major falls, impaired gait and balance account for most. So test yourself. Are you limping or shuffling? Can you do heel-to-toe walking (taking steps with one foot directly in front of the other) without lurching off-balance. Can you stand on one leg for at least 30 seconds. Less than that suggests a balance problem. You can also do two other tests - both have a high predictive value for future falls you flunk. For the get Up and Go Test, sit in a chair without arms, rise, walk 10 feet forward, quickly turn, walk back to the chair, and sit. Have an observer time you. If it takes more than 14 seconds, you are at risk for falls.  

Friday, March 13, 2015


Topping the list of plant foods that offer healthy eating as well as top nourishment, we could make a right turn and stop at a berry patch on our way home.  Berries are rich in plant chemicals and help the brain clear toxic proteins in the brain. One detailed disease can decrease any toxic proteins in the brain.  In Alzheimer's Disease (AD)  brain cells become clogged with these protein toxins.  A berry-rich diet activates the grain's natural house cleaning process, helping it remove toxins and other compounds that can interfere with brain function.  Blueberries in particular have been a good defense against Alzheimer's.  It encourages certain white blood cells to gobble up proteins that fouls up brain function.  Even some preliminary evidence from an experiments with rabbits shows that curcumin can help generate brains after a stroke. When  it comes to brain protection, read the following.

Fatty fish is the single food with most evidence to back up these experiments.  Salmon, herring, mackerel, sardines and trout are all rich in these products.  A four year study of older adults found that those who ate fish once a week were 60 percent less likely to develop Alzheimer's than those who did not, or rarely, if ever, the researcher noted.

Saturday, March 7, 2015


From early morn through late hours, one thought absorbed his mind,
To build his strength through exercise and healthful food combined,
Success was his and honors too, gold medals thee, then four,
Through dedications power of will, that strengthened inner core.
A body built through exercise a strength and power reflects,
Just so the mind's activities, the mental strength projects.
Electromagnets storing power, latent deep within,
So core beliefs can motivate beliefs will power and discipline.
To carry on in spiritual growth, as mind is exercised,
Beliefs can reform, and lives transform, as patterns are revised.

To show results as to ourselves and friends, we generate
A loving , useful attitude with mind and soul true mates.
To face life with its challenges, its present point of power,
As silent strength builds in the mind, through meditations hour,
The mind, a window to the world, attuning with the soul,
Believing, so desires within, may reach their outward goal.
Then helping those along the way, this attitude makes clear,
The spirit that is built within, the precepts to revere.

The lessons that the Bible showed, the oneness with all things,
The strength and healing can come from power stored within.
Beliefs we choose are like the paint an artist's pallet holds,
Dispersed upon the canvas face,a picture will unfold.
When these beliefs no limits know, convincing us we can,
From thoughts will come reality, to form at our command.
As limitations are released we cast out doubts and fears,
True wisdom, health or wealth - all those needed things,

will move within our sphere. much like the strength of wings.