Thursday, September 26, 2013


A question appearing on Consumer Reports on Health asks, "Is it true that numerical games like Sudoku and KenKen can help protect the brain, and even stave off Alzheimer's disease.
   Their answer explains that age and genetics are the main determinants of a person's risk of developing Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia.    Lifestyle factors such as a poor diet and lack of exercise may play a role as well.  A recent study of 294 adults, 55 years and over in the journal Neurology suggested that more frequent cognitive activity across a life-span may help slow cognitive activity.  Mental stimulates may improve the connections between brain cells and even help generate new nerve cells.  Such stimulation can come from games like crossword puzzles, Sudoku, and chess, or from hobbies such as diverse as reading, learning a new language, attending lectures, quilting, gardening or volunteering.

   Another question asks if drinking vegetable juice is as good for us as eating whole veggies.  You likely already know the answer,  "Aside from convenience vegetable juice doesn't offer any large advantage over eating whole vegetables.  However, many of the nutrients and fibre are lost when the pulp and skin are removed when we make it.  If you still want vegetable juice as part of your diet, choose fresh juice over processed drinks such as V8.  Remember that V8 has a great deal of sodium in it (650 milligrams to an 8 ounce serving and only 140 milligrams in the low sodium version.)

Thursday, September 19, 2013


Each day we're adding building blocks
  To our soul's growth with great care,
For this soul that we are building on,
   Prepares us for life up there.
Designs we choose are personal,
   My consultant only one,
Who furnished us a blueprint when
   He sent to us his son.

Foundation blocks we choose with thoughts,
  Through intent and desire,
And from this matrix carries on,
   As the blueprint will inspire.
Others watching will take note,
    How logical this plan,
From the One who made the Universe
    And then created man.
To be his representative,
   As your building moves along,
To bring that proffered Peace on Earth,
   Through loves magnetic song.
To carry on in realms unseen,
   Beyond our earthly sight,
In unity with other souls,
   Helping others to the light.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013


It seems there is no better way,
To brighten up the day,
Than sharing cheerful smiles with,
A friend along the way.

Then blessings added silently,
No earthly ear can hear,
It passes through the wooden walls,
Right through the atmosphere.

Your silent blessings safely stay,
With heart and brain on call,
Recorded in your Books of Life,
The soul translates it all.

And to brain can send it on,
Though other ears can't hear,
No wall can stop it anywhere,
Those books of life make clear.

Friday, September 6, 2013


Fresh thoughts come to us each day,
And offer kindness on our way,
A hopeful thought brings joy and peace,
Wrapped with love with your release.
Share it often with those you meet,
All body systems will find it a treat.
Expressed in words with acts and deeds,
You have planted a lovely kindness seed.

September brings us school days once more for nearly all ages, and now there is talk on the news suggesting the government supply tuition for college and university students also, to be paid back later after they found employment.  Someone asked me what happened to all that $30,000.00 we had saved for our son to pursue further his studies because of his interest in the Science Department.  It is true we had saved that money to be ready for him after high school but he suggested we keep it in our savings account in case he could earn his own way through university with scholarships and summer jobs.  After graduation at the University of Victoria he was offered a scientific position in Calgary that supplied him with free rent for 6 months until a home could be found.  It seemed like a good idea and they moved to Calgary.  I believe I touched on it briefly several days ago in my previous entry.  He was transferred to other states that included Texas and California.

    My husband's work was also in the science field and he with others had worked with harmful chemicals that were the precursors of Parkinson's and other related diseases.  My older sister Helen had become a dental missionary in the Ivory Coast of Africa and when she learned of our nieces expressing an interest in becoming medical doctors, she tapped her retirement fund to help them out.  She made out two checks, one for each of them that totaled $5,000.00 and asked me to check them over for accuracy.  Canada was importing doctors from Africa, in groups of 65 as needed.  To date the two nieces have not proceeded to become medical doctors and the $30,000.00 is waiting for its true owner.  Perhaps some of the $30,000.00 was used for elaborate weddings and trips to tropical countries.  The courts of time are waiting for the true owners.  At a future time, perhaps one of my four great-granddaughters may be needing funds for medical schooling.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013


Here is the answer you have been looking for as you add healthy years to your life and life to your years, with a deeper sense of satisfaction, according to Rob Thompson, M.D.
Sugar Blocker No. 1: Have a fatty snack 10 to 30 minutes before your meal. It must be eaten before you eat your meal. The pyloric valve regulates the speed at which food leaves the stomach and enters the bloodstream. A handful of nuts or a piece of cheese will do the trick.
Sugar Blocker No. 2 Start your meal with a salad. It soaks up starch and fibre before you eat a starch.
Sugar blocker No. 3. Have some vinegar - most salad dressings have some type of vinegar with it.
Sugar Blocker No. 4. Put some Muscle Behind it. A waist size 35 for women and 40 for men, exercise helps.
Sugar Blocker No. 5. Include protein with your meal to blunt insulin spikes. Even though protein contains no glucose, it triggers a "first phase" insulin response.
Sugar Blocker No. 6. Eat lightly cooked vegetables.

Sunday, September 1, 2013


Our July weekend holiday gives us all an opportunity to celebrate and feel grateful for the birth of our United Country of Canada.   The Christmas holidays often brings families together to celebrate the occasion.  Our son Ken, graduated  from the University of Victoria in their Science program.  It would be appropriate for us to know that he graduated from this university as their top student.  Large companies often send a representative to meet top university's students to interview them and hopefully accept employment with their company.  Later the same day after he had graduated from university  Ken was also married.  Ken's company moved them to Calgary, Alberta with six month free rent there until they found a home to buy and then with promotions he was transferred to other company branches and finally to their head office in Los Angeles, California.   When Ken and family lived in the south-eastern states they became acquainted with snakes and other tropical animals including alligators.  Their son was born in 1979 and was married to a lovely lady in 2000.  They now have four daughters.