Friday, August 30, 2013


Women metabolize caffeine slowly so your morning tea or coffee or afternoon soda will still be working at bedtime. "Limit these drinks to less than four ounces early in the day, and avoid caffeine after 3:00 PM. Alcohol should be limited to two or three a week. That glass of wine may help you fall asleep but it can wake you up at 2:00 AM. The best bedtime snack is peanut butter on toast, or a small serving of yogurt and fruit," says Dr. Tasneem Bhatia, MD. "The protein helps produce tryptophan which is more available to your brain."

If any of our readers have other medical questions, they are invited to send any questions to Dr. Travis Stork, MD to His tip for today is: "If your teeth are feeling extra sensitive lately you should minimize bleaching strips or other whitening products and don't brush within 30 minutes of drinking your morning java - that's when the acid level in your mouth is the highest and teeth enamel is most prone to damage, so brushing can do more harm than good. Another trick that my friend Clint Newman, DDS, suggests is to use a straw with all sodas, juices and other acidic drinks. Can you say "Iced coffee". This keeps the acid from landing directly on your teeth.

Friday, August 23, 2013


New research shows that an ancient therapy can significantly decrease pain.  Cupping, a close cousin of acupuncture, involves placing glass cups on your body (on either the affected area or the acupuncture points used to treat it) to create suction.  It may sound odd but cupping reduced neck pain by an average of 45 % study from the University of Duisburg-Essen located in Germany.  Further details are written by Stephanie Eckelkamp.

   The suction caused by cupping is meant to free up and balance the flow of qi (pronounced CHEE) or the energy in the body says Byn Clark, a licensed acupuncturist and diplomate of  Oriental Medicine. It also seems to improve blood circulation.  The practitioner creates suction either by burning the oxygen from the cup and removing the air with a valve.  Any bruises clear up within a week.  Many practitioners have treated many ailments with the cupping therapy, along with acupuncture, including sinus problems, high blood pressure, to treat pain, colds, asthma, hot flashes, arthritis, and painful or irregular periods.

Sunday, August 18, 2013


Recent studies show that supplements including vitamins, minerals and antioxidants from green tea, berries and tiny amounts of dark chocolate may help protect against skin cancer," says Andrew Weil, MD, director of the Arizona Centre of Integrative Medicine. "Compounds found in grapes, berries, cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, kale, bok choy and brussel sprouts, garlic and the spice turmeric also show promise of cancer prevention.

Ellen Marmur, MD, Chief of Cosmetic Surgery at Mount Sinai Medical Centre in New York City says, "Lately I have removed more "hidden" cancers in places you would never expect to find them: under a toe nail, on the back of the ear, in the mouth and genitals and even under the breast and areas that have not been exposed to the sun, but I suspect that overall exposure to UV radiation suppresses the body's immune system in general, and is making it harder to fight off cancerous cells. The atmosphere's thinning ozone layer makes the sun's rays even more dangerous. Whether you are on the beach or in an indoor tanning salon, there is no safe way to tan. The risk is highest if you have fair skin and light coloured hair and eyes.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013


According to Drew Ramsey, M.D. , eating the right foods can make us less stressed, give us more energy, and make us smarter.  Rule 1 is to reduce the amount of processed food eaten.  Much of our food is loaded with sugar and contributes to the shrinkage of key brain areas involved in mood regulation.  More fruits, vegetables and whole grains should be eaten. Plant foods contain the minerals, vitamins and phytonutrients that the doctor refers to as what the brain needs for optimal  functioning. Whenever possible opt for grass-fed meat.  Grass fed meat has more omega 3 acids that promote the formation of new brain connections.  The greater the range of whole foods you consume, the broader the range of brain boosting nutrients.  Variety is important and will energize the mind.

     Vitamin B12 is crucial for nerve cells.  A deficiency causes irritability, depression, and cognitive decline.  A little folate will keep your brain's neurotransmitter factories humming.  Iodine would be another plus since it is good for thyroid functioning.  An under active thyroid leads to lethargy, weight gain, depression, and dementia that can lead to Parkinson's disease and PMS.   The standard barnyard egg is a nutritional powerhouse and a perfect brain food.   Butter also is a brain food and not found in many vegetable oils.  Butter from grass fed cows is even better.

    In upcoming items we will confirm the value of the coloured vegetables that include the common potato, especially the red skinned ones.  But we can leave that for another day.  Dr. Oz has many suggestions for energy foods, and his advice appears often in the Prevention magazine.