Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Most summer campers have their arrangements all line up and now that school is out they're ready to go. It may be a little late to formulate plans at this point but one never know how far and where the worldwide web may float on your screen with an invitation. I've just read an article about a camp being held throughout the summer, giving an opportunity for all age groups at different times of the summer.

"At the sound of the morning bell, upper and lower bunks spill campers from open air cabins scattered through the woods. We stretch our bodies before moving to a meditation grove at the edge of the woods for a few minutes of quiet before breakfast. Outdoor play, games, crafts, sports for kids and workshops for adults sees the morning flit by. Family camp activities fill the afternoons, punctuated by gatherings when we sing songs accompanied by guitars.

After lunch there is sports and after dinner the evening sounds of campfire revelry and talent shows fill the evening air. Why is it so special? Camp seems to meet you and offers gifts, wherever you are in your life, stripping away the superficial aspects of life, - television , excessive sugar, computers, telephones and junk foods, and gives us a taste of freedom by accentuation with what we love most, experiencing what it feels like to live close to nature, served food that is good for the body, spend most of the day with family and friends, eat, learn, quiet moments and play with the same group of people," continues Corinne Cayce, great granddaughter of Edgar Cayce who has attended camp each summer, first as a camper and then as a helper.

"As cars are packed at the end of camp there is an indescribable ache in the heart, a longing to linger. Campers are allowed to touch that place within themselves that is most loving and most awake," adds Corinne.
Further information can be found at 757-428-3588, Ext 7182, or
E-mail: suebee@edgarcayce.org, and EdgarCayce.org/camp_youth_family.


"In addition to wearing a wide brim hat and avoiding those times when we find ourselves outside - skin exposed in the midday summer sun - our best choice for sunscreen is a non-chemical or "physical" sun block containing zinc oxide or titanium dioxide, which forms a physical barrier on the skin, preventing the sun's rays from penetrating. These types of sunscreen are available in natural health food stores. Chemical sunscreens block out ultraviolet B (UVB) rays, which promote vitamin D production in the skin. In excess, UVB rays cause reddening of sun-exposed skin and ultimately sunburn. Thus, sunburn is the body's built-in alarm system. When we turn off the alarm with a chemical sunscreen, our skin doesn't burn, but it continues to receive the more dangerous ultraviolet A (UVA) rays, which are absorbed into the deep layers of the skin. Chemical sunscreens contain a host of unnatural substances suspected of increasing the body's free radical load and risk of cancer, including skin cancer," says Simone Gabbay, RNCP, Toronto, Ontario.

Recent studies highlighting the importance of adequate vitamin D is research conducted at the Medical University of Graz in Austria and published in the March 23, 2009 issue of Archives of Internal Medicine. It links low vitamin D levels with an increased risk of death from heart disease and other causes. Studies conducted jointly by the Montreal Neurological Institute and the Hospital for Sick Children and Mount Sinai Hospital in Toronto concluded that low vitamin D status may be involved in the underlying disease of Multiple Sclerosis (MS), especially in northern latitudes where sunlight is restricted several months each year.

"Vitamin D synthesized from sunlight is physiologically superior to the forms of the vitamin found in fortified foods and nutritional supplements," adds Simone Gabbay. Your best bet for enjoying the summer sun safely is to restrict direct exposure during l0 a.m. and 3 p.m. thus avoiding the noonday sun.
Website: www.edgarcaycediet.com.

Monday, June 29, 2009


In addition to volunteer work you may be able to do for your church as well as other community organizations there is yet another way to bring help to a sometimes forgotten group of people. Perhaps we feel they are already cared for by other organizations. Edgar Cayce Canada has a prison library book program called, "The Inside Connection," that has contacted 100 prison facilities and mailed book packages to them. The current book package consists of: "There is a River," by Thomas Sugrue, "Your Life, Why It Is The Way It Is And What You Can Do About It," by Bruce McArthur, "The Art of Falling in Love With Your Time On Earth," by Mannie Billig and "Soul Growth Issues, Soul Grief Choices," by Fred Rawlins.

"It has been rewarding to communicate with prison officials across Canada. Most of the prison personnel are receptive and welcoming of these efforts," says Glenys Cook, Prison Library Book Program Coordinator for Edgar Cayce Canada. "Occasionally I am aware of negative energy a telephone answerer has projected but I try again in a few weeks after praying about it, and the telephone person is usually much more gracious about it. I seek to listen carefully from information gleaned from many different sources and prison officials who are aware of what the system needs and what would be most beneficial to the inmates in their care. It helps us with on-going program change and development. I recently spoke with a chaplain at a large institution in southern Ontario who stated, 'I am going to take your books to an upcoming Prison Chaplaincy Seminar.' There are plans for special institutions to take care of the needs of the young offender who need special love and care. Edgar Cayce Canada encourages people to continue membership in their own churches and some Study Groups can become more active within this worthwhile prison program and become supporters of it as well," adds the coordinator, Glenys Cook. Call, toll free l-866-322-8209 for further information and learn about ways you can help.

Sunday, June 28, 2009


I am taking the day off to send greetings to each one of you with wishes for a wonderful Canada Day, Wednesday July first. I'll be spending all the time I can find doing extra special acts of kindness to everyone in my memory vault, and to each one I meet and those who may read these words; all in thoughts, blessings, and words as well as in deeds. I thank so many wonderful people who have been part of my life and all those I have encountered who have shown kindnesses to so many as we all work together and share together in our wonderful country of Canada.

Gratitude to our parents who immigrated to Canada just over a century ago. Blessings to all, and thanks to our leaders as they try to do their best to keep our country great, as we all work together with respect for each other.

Saturday, June 27, 2009


Messages have been sent through cyber space in many ways through the years. My second great grandchild just celebrated her fourth birthday with her parents and two sisters. She has responded perfectly for many months, both in words and actions when I point to my five senses: nose (for smelling), for mouth (for tasting), ears (for hearing), hands (for feeling) and eyes (for seeing). But there is another sense that gradually develops through time when needed, and is sometimes called upon - it has been named "intuition."

Before e-mail, telephones and postal service was developed, other kinds of messages were utilized for distance communication: for example with "smoke signals," that say, "Here is a message for you." Non physical senses are unseen, sometimes in a dreamscape, and comes through the soul and mind. We are familiar with Biblical stories like Joseph with his dreams that foretold a possible famine in Egypt and the events that led up to it. When his dream picture showed the future corn harvest failing for seven years in a row, resulting in a possible famine, it was time to take notice with action. Through his dreams lives were saved and it still works today.

Sometimes we need extra information beyond our five senses for the betterment of our lives and for the lives of others. Perhaps one of Heaven's angels is called upon to give a peek of unexpected events to warn us of dangers ahead and we get a glimpse of the workings of our Creator, as the threads that bind us stitch together a mystery given to us to fulfill our purpose in life and how to live lovingly with others.

Friday, June 26, 2009


A birthday gift was waiting at GiGi's house for JK to finish celebrating her fourth birthday. It's hard sometimes to work in all birthday events which had included a party at home for friends her age on the weekend closest to her June 8th birthday.

"We're redecorating your home," announced TK, the mistress of ceremonies, and the experienced hands of three experts took over in the persons of Ladies in waiting, TK, JK, and MK. All the stuffed animals were "re-gifted" by MK to the adults in the room. The birthday girl received a metal money box that rattled. Plenty of scarves and colorful fabrics kept changing places until each one was placed just right in a perfect position. Other colorful fabrics decorated the large rocker that almost instantly became a throne and GiGi was invited to be the queen. A pretty heady moment indeed for GiGi as she basked in the pleasure of her three ladies in waiting who bowed in her presence.

But almost as quickly as she was crowned all the fancy trappings were snatched away and before she realized it the queen was dethroned and a younger and prettier queen was crowned and sat upon the throne. It was best anyway, I reminded the children since the new queen was already queen of the castle in their home and she looked beautiful indeed, just like a real queen.

The birthday girl presented me with a picture taken on her fourth birthday and it has its place beside the others in our gallery. While MK was walking on the chesterfield (as soon as they arrive they always remove their shoes) she spotted the picture of seven family members and pointed saying "Grandpa." I think the thought was "There's our Mr. Fixit man." Then we retired downstairs to the Lounge and played shuffle board. The voice of the limo driver played by Daddy announced the limousine was ready to leave. With hugs all around the party was over and away they went. GiGi returned to her silent, newly decorated home, that left treasured memories for her memory box.

Thursday, June 25, 2009


"I have a number of physical symptoms including regular headaches and itchy skin. I do my best to stay on a spiritual path and am confused why my health is not better," explains a reader to Dr. Eric Mein, M.D.

Dr. Mein answers: "Our bodies are three dimensional, a physical body, a mental body and a spiritual body - reflecting the three-dimensional world in which we find ourselves. Each is separate from the other and needs to be evaluated and worked with in its own realm. One aspect can clearly impact another, there is always a correlation between a physical symptom and a specific spiritual issue. Negative emotions adversely affect the body, and one aspect clearly impacts another, there is always a correlation between a physical symptom and a specific spiritual issue, according to my studies including the Edgar Cayce material. Headaches and skin disorders are often linked with problems in the gastrointestional system which could include chronic constipation, food allergies or sensitivities and "leaky-gut" syndrome. At the level of the mental body, responses to stress can aggravate physical incoordinations and worsen the type of symptoms. Check in on your ideal and possible need to balance priorities with the spiritual body.

One of the causes of depression; researchers have implicated a variety of psychological, psychosocial and biological factors. Medication side-effects disturb circulation patterns to the brain, spinal lesions and genetic predisposition. Excessive concern for self or selfishness can create patterns of depression. With the chronicity of your symptoms, it is best to approach this holistically at multiple levels. Fit daily exercise into your schedule, especially when it can be done out of doors. Work in some massages when possible. Take time to visualize optimal health at all levels of your being. Finally, find someone who is having more problems than you and reach out to help them. You may want to check on David McMillin's book, 'The Treatment of Depression,' to get more detailed information, adds Dr. Mein. Other questions may be directed to Eric Mein, M.D., 215 67th Street, Virginia Beach, Va. 23451

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


CBC radio have an hour "call in" program each day just after lunch. Yesterday it was all about preventing heart attacks and strokes. The doctor gave a web site that gives some basic information. It was interesting to hear the doctor say that one of the most important items to consider is NO SMOKING, and if you do - get serious about quitting the habit as soon possible. He added that in about two years it is possible that the system can rebound from the smoking habit and recover from the damage done to lungs and arteries, especially when fresh nourishing foods are eaten and regular exercise taken. High blood pressure increases the possibility of strokes.

Web site: http://take the pressuredown.ca.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


LETTUCE appears to be the most popular salad green, cleansing, blood-building, cancer-fighting and helps regulate bowel function, according to Simone Gabbay, R.N.C.P., a nutritionist in Toronto. The deeper the color, the more nutrition it offers.

ARUGULA, is aromatic, and adds a mild nutty flavor to salads. It is highly alkaline-forming, and counteracts acidic conditions in the body, supplying calcium, magnesium, potassium and manganese, and important B complex vitamins.

DANDELION, contains a powerful pack of minerals such as calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium as well as vitamins B, C, and E. It may be slightly bitter in taste, and has a tonic effect on the spleen, pancreas, liver and gallbladder with a healing and nourishing effect upon the entire body.

WATERCRESS has a pungent flavor, rich in chlorophyll, vitamin C and minerals, and helps prevent anemia, arthritis and cancer. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition reports it protects DNA damage in blood cells, protecting against the development of cancer.

PARSLEY, one of the most valuable medicinal foods supports the thyroid and adrenals, and contains anti-carcinogenic properties.

SPINACH is a rich source of vitamins, minerals and bioflavonoids, anticarcinogenic, protects nerve cells, helps the body cope with stress, and helps soothe nervous conditions.

The anti-stress drugs prescribed for anxiety may no longer be required if some of these wonderful greens were consumed on a daily basis. Further details are available on Simone Gabbays webside: www.holistic-nutrition.com. She is the author of Visionary Medicine: Real Hope for Total Healing, and Nourishing the Body Temple.

Monday, June 22, 2009


Barbara Derrick, a psychotherapist, tells of an experience working with an Alzheimer's patient. This patient had been in good health and didn't even have a physician until age 67. Wally was a widower who had cared for his wife during the final years of their 52 years together. Now he was diagnosed with both Alzheimer's and Macular Degeneration in the left eye.

Just before one goes to sleep, there is a natural time of relaxation. An affirmation could be repeated to him at this time. "I had used this Cayce-type intervention with clients many times, and was willing to try it with Wally. If I make a tape for you, will you listen to it before you fall asleep each night?" I asked him. He agreed. It is important to have the patient's approval. The affirmation read: 'As you relax, you are experiencing quiet, peace, happiness, and joy. You can feel God's love surrounding you. This allows you to rest in the knowledge that God's love is guiding you, helping you in every way to make each day good and purposeful. You have good, appreciative feelings for those around you, knowing that you wish this for every person in your life as well, and they hold you in high regard. Your mind will move toward functioning well and this will give you great pleasure. Your short-term memory is improving, your mind more alert, and your recall of names and words better day by day. This time of relaxing will help to coordinate your nervous system and improve circulation through your body. The eliminating systems are removing toxins. The foods that you eat will provide nourishment to your body. You will be calm and cooperative to those around you at all times. You are self-sufficient. This makes you happy and proud. You will look forward each day and enjoy life. Your short term memory and your recollection of words and names is serving you well and you are being healed at all levels. The divine energy within you is rejuvenating your body, mind and spirit.'

Regular massages were also recommended and carried out. When Wally returned to his doctors, both the neurologist and ophthalmologist, he was given a new diagnosis. "I can't explain it," his physician replied simply. Wally returned for a regular checkup to a professor in the Department of Ophthalmology at a well-respected medical university; "I see no evidence of macular degeneration," he said, still peering into Wally's left eye. Wally had been willing to be open to the inclusive affirmation of health, instead of his former pattern of falling asleep while watching TV, with whatever sounds remained from any negativity given on overnight TV programs. Of course one could record his own tape using these or similar words - tapes usually switch off in half an hour. There may be similar tapes available at l-866-322-8209, or l-800-333-4499.

Sunday, June 21, 2009


When first I saw Dad's kindly face,
His smile so filled with love and grace,
He placed me in my mother's arms,
Enfolding me with peace and calm.
I looked around, fair filled with joy,
No need to know if girl or boy.

Then smaller faces brought more love,
Are they Heaven's angels from above?
My tiny hand reached for their touch,
Oh I feel their love so much.
I want to be with them always,
Bring them joy each night and day.

Now today it's Father's Day,
We celebrate in many ways,
Mom makes Dad feel special too,
He gets to choose what we all do.
All three children and our sweet Mom,
With Daddy, we'll have lots of fun.

June 21, 2009
Love from your children
With Gi Gi

Saturday, June 20, 2009


When her older sister entered medical school, twelve-year-old Nancy Geller knew she wanted to be a doctor. She received her medical degree from the new York College of Osteopathic Medicine and completed her residency in internal medicine at the Eastern Virginia Medical School.

Married to a Navy doctor, a part of the Operation Desert Storm team, she is the mother of six children five of whom survive. When her two-year-old son died, the tragic loss left her with profound questions about the meaning of human existence. When her five-year-old daughter began talking about seeing and speaking with her brother, and when his spirit apparently began to visit Dr. Geller in her dreams, she found herself puzzled, and concerned.

Dr. Geller put pen to paper and takes us with her on a journey in her book "Beyond Goodbye: Turning Tragedy into Spirituality." It tells us of her revelations about God and an afterlife, showing a divine hand in each life unfolding as intended and providing us with the lessons we need to learn. Her life-affirming book shows that acquiring a genuine belief in an omnipotent and involved Higher Power results in seeing life through new eyes. Further information can be found at l-866-322-8209 or l-800-333-4499.

Friday, June 19, 2009


"The patient had collapsed in an airport lounge and was rushed to the emergency hospital while I am rushing to her side. She was suffering from a severe deficiency of potassium, an important mineral that helps regulate heartbeat and other metabolic processes. She does consume alcoholic beverages, had taken diuretic medication for several weeks which flushes out essential nutrients, water-soluble vitamins B and C, and minerals such as potassium, calcium, magnesium and zinc. These deficiency symptoms can be severe as in the case just described, resulting in weakness, nervousness, insomnia, excessive thirst and digestive difficulties," says Nutritionist Simone Gabbay.

The patient in this case was Simone Gabbay's mother who ate few fruits and vegetables, the most abundant sources of potassium. "What makes things worse, is that such symptoms are often 'treated' with other drugs, setting the stage for additonal side effects and multiple chemical dependencies. The cost to the patient, and the health care system are enormous, including ambulance costs, hospital stay, and expensive drugs. If the physician who prescribed the diuretics had advised her to take a mineral supplement, she may never have become seriously ill. Better yet, If she had followed a whole foods diet which naturally balances metabolic function, she may never have had to take diuretics in the first place. I am grateful for the expert medical help she received for it clearly saved her life. However, better patient and doctor education and an awareness of basic nutritional principles could have saved her from this ordeal. My mother does not share my enthusiasm for nutrition and preventive medicine," Gabbay adds.

Simone Gabbay, RNCP, is a Toronto-based nutritionist and author of several books including 'Nourishing the Body Temple.' available from 1-866-322-8209, simonegabbay.com.

Thursday, June 18, 2009


Doctors are warning that obesity will lead to extra burdens on the health system. A psychiatrist and intuitive, Judith Orloff, M.D. writes that sensitive people, intuitive empaths, unknowingly overeat in response to overwhelming negative vibes. They not only sense energy, they absorb it into their bodies.

"Addictive craving, a symptom of nutritional abuse, is a frequent response to energetic overload. You eat certain foods like a drug addict; that leads to obesity, and often lust after sweets and carbs especially. Identify addictive foods, and limit them. A true nutritional need has nothing to do with soothing our emotions or obsessions, breathe out stress, breathe in vitality. Clear out any negative emotions," says Dr. Orloff in her book, Positive Energy: Ten extraordinary Prescriptions for Transforming Fatigue, Stress, and Fear into Vibrance, Strength, and love.

"Take a five-minute break for damage control, breathe in vitality, and breathe out fear. Visualize white light surrounding every inch of you, so negativity can't deplete your energy. Develop a diet that satisfies your energetic needs. Energy motivates why you eat, more important than taste - a priority to impart to children. Whatever you put in your mouth, run by your energy meter; see what truly nourishes or depletes. Foods you've shunned become more attractive when you experience their energy lift."

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


William A. McGarey, M.D. in one of his bi-monthly columns, tells about a Soviet physician, Georgi Z. Pitskhelauri who wrote a book entitled "The Longliving of Soviet Georgia," documenting individuals - some of whom were 190 years of age when his book was published in 1982. He goes on to cite other present day instances of remarkable healing that are possible when we understand that healing is a spiritual event.

Dr. McGarey tells us, "If you, for instance, have a series of illnesses and are aware of being body, mind and spirit, you can approach those illnesses with a more enlightened state of mind. You might get a series of manipulations or spinal adjustments. Or you could "talk" to your body, or choose acupuncture as a primary approach, surgery, homeopathy, hypnotherapy, massage or medication. Your healing - if you allow it to be such - is always a spiritual adventure, allowing you to step a bit higher on your journey of the soul. Various portions of the body may be rejuvenated and regenerated, allowing the body as a whole to live longer, thus activating the concept of longevity in your own experience. The power of choice we were given in the beginning, even to defy God to gratify the 'lusts of the flesh,' brings about a movement in our lives of destructive or constructive activity. It has been called the forces of light or darkness; good or evil, the Christ Consciousness or the Prince of this world, and quotes Edgar Cayce, 'All that would be necessary for each individual soul is to be a companion with God, which is God's desire towards man. . . the sin of man is his desire for self-gratification.'

"We may gain wisdom, spiritual growth, and perhaps also longer years, if we simply live the fruits of the spirit - forgiveness, gentleness, kindness, and love, with those that we meet day by day. If other men and women have lived for hundreds of years, like Methuselah in the Old Testament, then we may also achieve that goal. Many of us as we get old, do not want to stay around much longer. If, however, we keep active, serving and helping where we can, then we may not be old - we may be living a loving and productive life, serving God as we learn how to love Him and love our fellow man." Dr. McGarey has written a number of books.

My son was driving me home from church one day and said, "The way I look at what to believe is to measure each decision with the yardstick of how we practice our daily living - a life of selfishness or not." I believe he was using the same standard as Dr. McGarey has just given.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


I was just reading an item about the making of a film called "The Beautiful Dreamer," Edgar Cayce, the man who could diagnose and treat people's health problems from a distance. He was so afraid he might harm someone with the wrong advice, he and his wife kept quiet about it. Dr. Norman Shealey became interested and became the founder and president of the Holistic Medical Association. After Cayce's story appeared in a national magazine, he was flooded with requests from people with their health problems. More than a dozen mail bags began to arrive each day. He asked for no fees because he thought healing was a gift from God and was able to made a living for his family as a photographer. He taught Sunday School classes at a Presbyterian church. His wife hired a stenographer who took down the information in shorthand and was able to leave a legacy of over nine thousand treatment suggestions. He died from overwork in the early 1940's at the age of 67. His biography called "There is a River", is available in most libraries.

This evening I was talking to a friend who is being treated for cancer, and I wondered what the treatment for cancer was in the early l900s. Cayce had much advice about preventing cancer which included an alkaline diet. The Cayce balance given was eighty percent alkaline foods, which included most vegetables and fruits. The other twenty percent were to be the acid foods, the proteins like chicken, fish, nuts, beans, dairy and meat, but very little pork. All preservatives were classed as very harmful. He recommended buying a vegetable juicer to encourage the use of uncooked foods more often. I didn't realize they had vegetable juicers in the l930s.

Cayce also recommded eating almonds every day saying "those who would eat two or three almonds each day need never fear cancer." I haven't seen this film or where it is being shown, the phone number is 1-800-333-4499.

Monday, June 15, 2009


Saturday thirteen, your Blog gave us thanks, For work that we do for you,
Protecting your bodies from all those germs, A job that we love to do.
We hope that your readers will understand, Of changes that soon must come,
Help us succeed, Bring us fuel that we need, The best for us both, Number One.

Treat us as well as you do your car, It too must be exercised,
No rust with great fun and the health race is won, Your family is proud of your prize.
For all to succeed, Bring the food we both need, Eighty percent - and easy to find,
Is right from the garden - freshest and best, Farmer's Market will have all kinds.

The protein we need, twenty percent, Beans, eggs, nuts, dairy or meat.
Is best for us both and then every week, Celebrate with a favourite treat.
We hear that the young now work with a plan, To plant gardens everywhere.
Building health and wealth and giving a boost, To help purify our air.

Sunday, June 14, 2009


It's ll:30 pm and I have finally completed vacuuming and shifting some furniture around to make things easier for the carpet cleaner coming for his first morning job. I've moved my night stand with the "touch lamp" around to the other side of the bed. The cord has an extra little switch half way down the line and I can switch the light off that way. On second thought to prevent possible confusion it seemed better to avoid leaving that extra switch turned on because it doesn't always work and might create a problem so I pull the plug. It's getting late so after a quiet moment I decide to make a final trip to the bathroom. It is now necessary to walk around the foot of the bed. The touch lamp doesn't come on because it's unplugged. Now where is that outlet to plug the cord back in. Even if I can find the outlet - it's too dark to locate the wide safe side of it. Guess I can find my way around with "furniture feel." But now everything seems out of place. I find my way past the dresser but after that all I can locate in the dark are door knobs and walls. The bathtub in the insuite has turned into a wall. The double sinks have disappeared. It doesn't dawn on me that I'm in the wrong bathroom.

I try to turn back but only find a long hallway leading to nowhere. Familiar items on counter tops and all the light switches are hiding somewhere. I do not realize I am now in the other smaller bath where the bath tub is located against the back wall. There is nothing but walls where the insuite bath tub should be. What if the fire bells should ring - how would I get out of this place? At ll:45 pm the night before the fire alarm bell had given a short alarm and immediately all doors in the common hall opened with one or two faces in the door frame checking for the fire location. A male voice from the lobby announced it was a false alarm so all doors had closed again. The next ringing bell could be a real fire tonight and I cannot find the exit.

My eyes try to strain through the darkness but only raggy forms appear that keep reshaping themselves and lead to nothing but walls as more mysterious shadows rise and fall to form again with each step I take. When trying to reach for a phone or other solid object I almost take a tumble. With the moon shrouded with cloud and no sliver of light anywhere, how can these shadows form their ominous shapes as I search for light. I'll have to save that question for Bob McDonald's science program. If I could have returned to my night stand that I just left, the flashlight would be right in its special drawer. I feel helpless. Then Psalm ninety one leaps to mind from its virtual page, "I will send my angels to take charge over you." I then recall the words of the editor of Venture Inward, "Why worry when you can pray." A door frame comes to hand and I go through it, the tuning wheel of the kitchen radio reaches for me. My other hand finds a metal door beneath it - this must be the dishwasher, then the sink is next in line. I feel for the coils of the stove's heating burners and reach up for the switches of the stove light and fan - a welcoming light floods the kitchen. I had been touring the hall back and forth during this confusion, chasing fear forms that were teasing me, and light was just around the corner. The moral of this story is to have a night light switched on in one of the rooms near the bedroom. And later on when our Earth journey is complete, remember that a dazzling light is just around the corner.

Saturday, June 13, 2009


Brave and busy T-Cells,
Travelling many miles,
Throughout the body's lifestream,
Protecting with great guile.
Vanquishing invaders and
Germs where they don't belong,
To keep the body healthy as
The soul growth carries on.

Friday, June 12, 2009


Before getting ready for take off, here is a short bit of advice that was often included in letters I typed at the A.R.E. Clinic, or sometimes given to a patient from the stack of "hand-outs."

"Take several minutes each morning and each evening to combine deep invigorating breaths with gentle stretching. Take three or more inhalations through the right nostril for strength, and exhale through the mouth each time, then three or more through the left nostril for the "easing" of the body which is connected with spirituality and gratitude. Again exhalations are made through the mouth.

In the morning, one should rise up on the toes and lift the arms above the head with an emphasis on filling the lungs deeply. In the evening, the technique can be varied, but at times the goal is to empty the lungs of all stale air and breathe in, combining each breath with a forward bending motion."

From "Venture Inward," Eric Mein, M.D.

Thursday, June 11, 2009


Busy days of summer will keep the days flying even faster and postings will be irregular. It's time to enjoy a word from the wise with a few proverbs.

"It is always with excitement that I wake up in the morning wondering what my intuition will toss up for me, like gifts from the sea. I work with it and rely on it. It's my partner." Dr. Jonas Salk

"Intuition is the source of scientific knowledge." Aristotle

"As has been and is understood by the body, all good, all health, all life comes from God." Edgar Cayce Reading 658-15

"If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him march to the music which he hears, however measured or far away." Thoreau

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


"I have personally watched these study groups work around the world, and in my own living room," says Judith Stevens, who worked with study groups for some 30 years to change things for the betterment of the world. Everyone who goes to these gatherings is encouraged to attend their usual churches on Sunday, but for ways to put into practice what was learned on Sunday, these groups gather weekly or biweekly as a type of practicum for continued spiritual growth in working with and expediting spiritual growth.

Lesson number one carried the title "Cooperation" that I wrote about in my Blog yesterday. Lesson number two is "Know Thyself" which I called, "Self Portrait." in my book "In Touch." Here are some lines from that poem.

Upon the rolling sea of life, Its ebb and flow of tide,
The undulating waves roll on, As depths its secrets hide.
Man too is more than can be seen, The outer skin-bound shell,
A higher being waits to be, Freed from his inner cell.

The one who searches ocean depths, Takes care with diving gear,
He goes for fun or treasure ships, Beneath its surface clear.
With tested gear he plumbs within, Recesses of the deep,
With careful preparations first, So life and health he'll keep.

And all who wish to journey to, The kingdom of the soul,
May wrap around a prayer shield, Of light for good control.
What's furnished to the senses, Their pick-ups magnify,
To touch in meditation's hour, And spirit edify.

The highest value to be gained, And measure of man's mind,
Is will to build eternal self, When its shell is left behind.
A temple rising in the heart, Built up through thoughts and deeds,
That forms the attitudes we take, And precepts that we heed.

Beliefs accepted on the way, Make up an inner core,
When positive, creates success, And opens many doors.
Doors to wisdom, health and wealth, To take whate'er we will,
Belief with practice opens all, And heart's desire fulfilled.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


I watched the giant wheels turn, And generate a power,
That sent its motion energy, To turn throughout the hours.
Each bucket paddle passed along, Its waters fresh and clear,
Cooperating to send forth, A power in its sphere.

The scientist has learned to use, This helpful, natural law,
Cooperations strength that shows, A power on which to draw.
In man's pursuit of happiness, his daily walk and talk,
Cooperations power still works, As mind designs each thought.

To blend the self with soul's ideals, And find in consequence,
A growth of unity and aim, To touch a higher sense.
As one helps those within his sphere, They help their neighbours too,
Just like the paddle wheeler's power, As water surges through.

And as we place upon our minds, A guide at access door,
With higher thoughts come matching acts, As channels are kept pure.
In silent moments to reveal, A oneness with all things,
Bringing hope and strength renewed, As inner turbines spin.

Each one a part, encircled 'round, To others call to bless,
Beliefs and thoughts will start the wheels, As will lets them express.
As helpful efforts join the flow, That marks the tides of time,
Those here and now and yet unborn, In consciousness will climb.

Monday, June 8, 2009


Though not born with power, wealth or fame, one may feel dull or insignificant, but there are still ways to shine and power up the world with what is yours already. An example might be to consider when the day is done and you are all tucked in for the night. The moon has risen. It is 240,000 miles from the Earth, is only l/400th the size of the sun. It has no light or heat of its own, but reflects the radiance of that greater heavenly body. It may appear relatively insignificant. Yet the moon quietly and almost imperceptibly moves the oceans of the world with its gravitational pull. It moves the tides and all the labouring surges of the world. And many of you already know how it can fire up a romance as moonbeams seem to dance on the waters. Even sitting alone in the moonlight gives an undefinable feeling of "Oneness with all the Earth."

Cooperation might be a good word to use for a challenge and you can stay right where you are - acting jointly with others in harmonious agreement. It is the natural result of standing firm in a higher purpose by replacing any negative thoughts with positive ones, thinking kindly of everyone, even those who have hurt us. A teenager entered a new school in midterm and was immediately targeted for criticism for not wearing the latest fashion in shoes. "Okay," he said, "If that makes you feel good go ahead, I won't let it bother me, I'll just catch up on our studies and feel good that way."

In Part II - THE WORLD WITHIN, of my book "In Touch" it begins with the poem "Cooperation." Read a few lines from it every day - to the light of the moon if you wish - and you will find it fun, helpful and encouraging. I left a few copies with a bookstore in Ontario, l-866-322-8209. Or you can get in touch with me by leaving a comment at the end of this Blog.

Sunday, June 7, 2009


Stanley Peele serves as a district judge in North Carolina and on weekends and evenings visits at the North Carolina Hospital in Chapel Hills. He supports the work of the Association for Researach and Enlightenment in Virginia Beach and reads the Bible to those who are in need at the hospital. He tells about one of his visits to a very ill elderly woman. "As I entered her room she was moaning and speaking words that made no sense to me. Her eyes glazed and she didn't seem to respond to my presence. A few days later I visited her again, she was a little better, moaned and said her leg hurt. She spoke of her family and felt they had deserted her and then alternated between periods of responsiveness and her words became garbled.

Continuing with reading Psalm 63, 'my flesh longeth for thee in a dry and thirsty land where no water is,' she responded, "Amen." After reading it several more times she responded again each time and I noticed she was looking off to my left. "Is that your daughter?" she asked. I saw no one and looked around to see if there was a picture on the wall, but there was nothing that could be mistaken for a girl. I told her I saw no one and said I did not have a daughter. She looked annoyed, as if I were a wayward child, and repeated with emphasis, "Is that your child?"

This time I understood. Smiling I asked her, "Are you seeing angels?" 'Yes!' she answered! Her voice was strong and sure and her eyes clear, her language precise and thoughtful. Her pain disappeared.

She had seen an angel who appeared to be a little girl about 10 years old. She had asked if this was my child; so the angel was with me. Although in pain and seriously ill, this 79-year-old woman was able to give me a precious gift. I believe this little angel goes with me when I walk through the hospital on my rounds. She sits with me when I visit patients. I feel her presence. I cannot see her now; but someday I will!" was the conclusion of Judge Stanley Peele. From "Venture Inward"

Saturday, June 6, 2009


The robins arrived early, and found there were other "early bird" living organisms peeking above the ground to make them feel welcome. The soil is soft and the birds listen for the activity of earthworms reaching for the surface. The early plants include peas, lettuce, celery, radish, kale and other greens like chives and salad onions that help break up the soil, with carrots and beets coming fast. Radish tops can be included in the green salads.

The plants are anxious to greet the season as well. Arthritic joints appreciate the warmth of the summer and are welcoming the change of diet from the root vegetables of winter to the fresh greens of spring. "Much of the condition of the bronchials and lungs is produced by the diet the body takes in through the pneumogastric system, from the cardiac expression to the lungs as energy is forced from the lungs and carried through the arterial system," said Mr. William A. McGarey in his lecture at a medical symposium in Phoenix. He was quoting the healer Edgar Cayce, and I wouldn't have remembered those details except I bought some of the tapes of his lectures and listen to them often to understand how important it is to use care regarding the kind of "fuel" - (the fresh healthy foods) we consume.

All body systems are so interconnected. My husband always tried to use the number one fuel for his vehicles to keep them in good running condition. Likewise I try to use the number one fuel for the body system whenever possible. Dr. McGarey also discouraged the use of pork and the empty calories of many processed foods.

Friday, June 5, 2009


June, the month of changes, high school graduations, weddings, and the warmth of sunshine after a very cool spring, all promising a busy month. Garlic fields, hiding under the snow were seen three days later as fields of green.

In one coastal area unsual News Hour reported chunks of ice the size of footballs fall from a clear blue sky last week. One man mowing his lawn watched a dozen of these huge hailstones spin from the cloudless sky, one narrowly missing him. The weather bureau had trouble explaining how this could happen declaring these large hailstones may have come from high in the atmosphere. Neighbours gathered some of the large ice chunks to place in freezers so they could be analyzed later.

With the sudden entrance of the hot days of sun, the TV and radio programs are warning people to apply sunscreen every two hours and again after leaving the swimming pool. The news hour also reminded listeners to stay out of the sun between l:00 am and 2:00 pm or else wear a wide brim hat. The sun index reading on June 4th was declared to be plus 8 - the number usually reserved for mid summer. Last year mothers were told by their doctors to start using sunscreen on babies only after one year of age - this year it has been changed to using mild sunscreen after six months with caution. Fair skin burns easily and mothers usually keep their babies well shaded. Further north in the Cariboo area forest workers required 80 firefighters as well as four helicopters to try to extinguish the flames and watch for hotspots.

Many people have started vegetable gardens this year, and several community gardens have been organized. We can feel right up with the Obama family in the White House. It's time to finish the planting, according to Brian Minter, the B.C Gardener.

Thursday, June 4, 2009


Small spoon of honey, once each day,
A summer cold may allay.
Wild Mountain is the brand I use,
Unpasteurized - not just a ruse.
From Armstrong, says the finer print
Some honeycomb, just a hint.
Protect the ears from wild breeze,
Affects your voice and makes you sneeze.
With care your summer will be great,
With family and new friends make,
Record things so you'll remember all,
Time flies so fast, Too soon it's fall.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


"From the quirks of the expanding universe to the quarks within a single atom, and everything inbetween is covered," says Bob McDonald of his Saturday noon radio science program that is broadcast over Canada's CBC. It is rebroadcast Monday evening again at ll:06 pm and also on Sirius satellite Radio. Check out CBC Radio/Quirks and Quarks and MP3 audio files on their web page.

I was ready to leap from my chair and head for the shower when Bob announced his first item: "The Skinny on Skin." It seems there are approximately one million micro-organisms on every square centimeter of your skin - and ten times more bacteria clothing your body than there are human cells within. It appears that body cells can read our thoughts and chat among their inner family of cells to assess all your thoughts and actions planned. Addressing the work crew within, the foreman says, "Slow down the pulleys that lead to the brakes and I'll text my orders to her brain so the cells can get the synapses clicking through fast enough to send her this message before she rushes off to the shower. We have just made a complete outfit of friendly bacteria to protect her outer body so they can, in turn, protect all the delicate inner cells."

So if anyone calls you a "busy body" it's true for both of you. All this activity is why we require plenty of good food, with enough exercise as well, to nourish all the body cells as it spreads the energies from the food needed by each body cell to keep things moving along. The lady being interviewed added, "Too much unnecessary bathing may be overworking your body cells."

Our love affair with showering every day may be causing the cells to work long hours to create another coat for its outer body wear. And hey, you're helping save the planet by conserving water, and funds that buy the water.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


Tired of groaning joints, swellings here and there, painful fingers begging for help while trying to do their pick-up jobs, and backs silently giving spasmodic back-talk, trying to get a message through for help. That was my experience until I started studying more about and making changes in food selections.

Researchers and nutritionists have something to share with all of us that not only saves money but could ease those groaning joints and protect us from arthritis and other joint problems. At the turn of the century, a Greek study reporting in the American Journal of Health and Nutrition showed that a new type of diet offered effective protection against arthritis. A Harvard study confirms this wisdom showing that it increases longevity and reduces the risk of cancer and heart disease. It turns out this way of eating isn't new after all and is closely related to the Mediterranean Diet that includes fresh vegetables and fruits, fish and dairy in the form of cheese and yogurt (lactic acid-fermented dairy.) Brown rice and whole grains, nuts and whole grain pasta, chicken but only small amounts of heavy meat like pork and beef all make a well balanced diet. Wine can be taken with meals.

Mediterranean people eat plenty of nearby ocean fish, an easily digested food and omega-3 fatty acids (EFAs), important for heart health, the endocrine system, the nervous system and healthy skin. Risk can be minimized by choosing wild salmon ocean fish, deep waters (not farmed). Cod, anchovies, mackerel and sardines are among the safer varieties of ocean fish.

You likely have already read about the Mediterranean diet. Your local library can always recommend books on this subject. Simone Gabbay, a nutritionist in Toronto tells us more in her books, Visionary Medicine: Real Hope for Total Healing, and Nourishing the Body Temple, as well as many articles in health magazines. For further information on her books call l-866-322-8209, or 1-800-333-4499.

Monday, June 1, 2009


"I believe that every pet connection qualifies as such a relationship that allows us to see ourselves more clearly," says Douglas E. Knueven, D.V.M. "If there is something about your pet that really annoys you, then that may be telling you something about yourself, if there is a quality of your pet that you are inspired by, then look closely at that as well. The animals in our lives are a reminder that we each have a unique purpose for being alive. If we join wholeheartedly in the process of sharing life with our pets, we may be inspired to reach our full potential. One quality of companion animals that always touches me as a healer is their ability to inspire those around them."

He tells about an elderly cat called Richie, who had been diagnosed six months earlier by his regular veterinarian with a malignant nasal tumour and given a grave prognosis. It had eaten its way through his skull and produced a large mass between his eyes. His caregiver, not ready to give up felt he still had something to offer, and purpose to live for. He was started on herbs and acupuncture treatments. The malignant growth began to engulf his right eye and his appetite waned and one night he had a terrible nose bleed and was rushed to the hospital. He had not eaten for a week and it seemed like the end. His caregiver opted to give him one more acupuncture treatment and then take him home. He was 17 years old. Instead of points to fight the cancer, Dr. Knueven used a combination that would decrease pain and help him ease his transition. Instead of his health declining, Richie's appetite returned. The caregiver brought in a local animal communicator who explained to the ailing cat about the tumour and treatments. The cat finally understood what was going on with him. The animal communicator worked together with his owner causing a noticeable change in his attitude.

A week later the tumour was smaller and in two weeks was gone, leaving a large, shallow divot in his forehead. "We were all stunned with this medical marvel," says Dr. Knueven "Perhaps it was his caregiver's willingness to let go, or the group visualization sessions did the trick. Even with animals, healing comes from within. Our animal companions are bridges that link us with the rest of nature, including our own true human nature as we get to know ourselves through our pet connections," he concluded. For more information see Dr. Knueven's website at: www.beaveranimalclinic.com.